11 - 20 of 209 results
What is it about smell that evokes such powerful memories? Find out in this video which earned an honorable mention in the 2016 Brain Awareness Video Contest.
Learn about the neuroscience behind synesthesia in this video which won first place in the 2016 Brain Awareness Video Contest.
How could the color of a dress be open to interpretation? Learn more about the neuroscience behind the internet phenomenon in the third-place video from the 2016 Brain Awareness Video Contest.
A conversation with a friend may feel effortless but your brain is hard at work listening to your friend, deciding how to respond, and selecting the words to use. Learn more in this video which took second place in the 2016 Brain Awareness Video Contest.
Sunlight informs your circadian rhythm and trains you to sleep at night. Your cell phone light can throw this off balance and damage your sleep habits.
Learning things can be hard work, but your brain is up to the challenge. Understanding the processes involved in learning can be key to doing it with ease.
Circadian rhythms encourage our systems to operate on a 24-hour cycle, resulting in changes in mood and cognition when disrupted.
Conspiracy theories take advantage of our pattern-seeking brains by grabbing attention, triggering strong emotions, and giving meaning to random events.
Neuroscientists study the brain to solve puzzles — piecing together understandings across topics like emotions, rare disorders, and consciousness. But often, new findings raise more questions.
The blood-brain barrier protects your brain by ensuring the important things stay in while pathogens stay out.