Sleep Deprivation Game
- Published16 Aug 2018
- Reviewed16 Aug 2018
- Author Emma Lindberg
- Source BrainFacts/SfN

Are your students getting enough sleep? This board game is designed to teach players about the effects of sleep on the brain and what happens when we don’t get enough sleep. Players will navigate their way across the board and compete with other players to collect the most amount of sleep hours and pillows.
At the end of this activity students will:
- Be able to discuss the positive impact sleep has on the brain
- Understand the negative effects of sleep deprivation
- Understand how sleep affects concentration, coordination, memory, and mood
- Know how many hours of sleep they need to get each night
- Better understand how caffeine affects sleep and the brain
- Have better knowledge of different sleep disorders
Teacher Background
The Sleep Deprivation Game explores different ways humans are affected by sleep.
Sleep is vital to survival, and it helps the nervous system to function properly.
Studies reveal that when animals and people fail to get enough sleep, concentration,
coordination, memory, and mood suffer.
The goal of the game is to gain as many hours of sleep as possible. As players travel
around the board, they collect and lose sleep by landing on different spaces.
No prior knowledge is needed to play this game.
Integration into the Curriculum
- Health
- Biology, AP Biology
- Anatomy and Physiology
Materials Needed
- Sleep Board Game (70 KB)
- Sleep Game Rules (62 KB)
- Memory Booster Cards (41 KB)
- Hour Cards (print 4 sheets) (15 KB)
- 1 six-sided die
- Player pieces
Also In For the Classroom
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